The Pros And Cons Of Education
education - you gain good experience in further education in what you want to do, you also gain a further social life especially if you live where the uni is. also with living in the uni you could also learn how to live alone and mature. it also makes sure you are in education for the governments required time. the main upside to university is the qualification you receive after the time and these can be very useful when looking for jobs.

the main downside to university is the price, unlike other form of education university does cost quite a substantial amount, for example some costs can come to twenty five thousand! another downside can be that the university that you are interested in, it could be very far from your home and family, it could also make it difficult for relationships back home either friendly or intimate, linking back to money it could cost a lot to visit them. the course could also be up to five years and this is a long time away from home.

the boldest upside to an apprenticeship is that it gives a high amount of  experience of what its like to really work in your chosen subject, it also helps you to mature. unlike university where it takes your money in a apprenticeship you will earn money doing the jobs and work that you are preparing for in the future.

the main downside to the Apprenticeship is that you cannot really stem out of what you are doing, this point heavily depends on what job you have but applies for most. If you where in education you could use the degree you achieved at the end to stem into a bigger branch of what it is whereas apprenticeships only offer a job where you work or somewhere very alike at the end. You are no longer in the hands of education you are thrown into the real world and must learn at a quicker pace in order to stay, another downside to this is at University you are obligated to an extent to stay so it is harder to be removed however at an apprenticeship toy can be fired if you are not staying up to standards like in a real Job.

Personal Statement

I decided on taking photography as a further course because of how much inspiration I get from my daily life and also because it is one of the art forms in which are developing much more in the 21st century. I would like to study film when I have finished my current course, Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Art and Design/ Photography, this is because I hope to progress in the industry and prove that women can be successful in any industry regardless of their gender. I also love the industry and thought of film because of how much it can manipulate the brain and take us to an escape from whatever reality we face, film can also be used to educate or inform which can help in political or other situations. It is progressing so much today that some are able to create short film a with only their phones and are achieving as much as a high production.

I believe that I deserve to stay on the course as have an ambition in the industry and a plan to go to university to further study the subject, I will also show that one can change their atitude if they are motivated enough to achieve. This is one of the main things i have learnt from this course so far, I also learnt that when working independently many things can be distractions and its good to keep up with high amounts of motivation. If you loose this motivation only for a little while it can heavily change the overall look of the quality of your work. I hope to apply this knowledge to the next step and improve the quality of my work to the highest extent.

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